“And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, ‘Lord if You are willing, You can make me clean.’ Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying ‘I am willing; be cleansed.’ Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Matthew 8:2, 3
Two questions that our soul will wrestle with, and ultimately answer, in order to receive our miracle from God are:
1) Are You willing?
2) Are You able?
We will usually find that one, if not both, of these are in question when we are struggling to obtain help from God, but fail to do so.
It can be is “God willing?” We are sure He can, but doubt His willingness. Maybe we have waited so long, we interpret His delay as denial. We can be overwhelmed, especially because our adversary Satan will accuse us to God, God to us, and us to each other, over and over again in our mind and emotions. Remember Satan could deceive Eve in the Garden of Eden, with questions of God’s goodness and true intent in keeping them from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. How much more can he now twist circumstances and God’s willingness?
“Is God able?” We may not doubt His ability to do His part, but what about our part? What if we failed to pray enough? What if our disobedience has now tied His hands and He is not able to answer our prayer? Partnership with God is not our supplying our part; it is our surrendering our part to His completeness. Jesus is more than enough…always and in every way.
When we are seeking to obtain from God an answer to prayer, or His promise spoken, or a miracle needed, it is best to address these questions in worship. Like the leper, come and worship before the Lord, establishing again His Lordship and goodness. Of course the word of God is our confidence and also the Holy Spirit. Together, truth and the Holy Spirit will form a prayer and praise of His willingness and ability in this particular moment. Here is where faith ignites! Hope comes alive in His willingness, and faith in His ability latches on to His willingness and Jesus’ touch, touches us!
Take some time in worship to first establish Him as Lord and good. Then, inquire of His willingness and ability in this particular circumstance. Even if you already know intellectually that He is willing and able, there is something about “Now faith is,” that comes alive in the hearing of His voice: “I am willing….be _____”
Wednesday May 11, 7 pm: The Love and Glories of God – Shared by our Thailand team in preparation for their ministry trip in June. Peety, Linda, Rob, and Josiah, along with myself, will share vision of Love invading fear, and Light invading darkness. The entire team will be present and ready to pray for love, light, and healing to everyone.
Sunday May 15, 9 am: The Love and Glory of God continues as Ally, Ben, Myra, and Yolanda share their experience with the Lord, in preparation for ministry in Thailand. This is a First-Fruit Service for Jubilee to receive love, light, and liberty from our team, as well as come into agreement with the Lord’s sending of the Father Heart Thailand Team to Thailand at the end of June!
Sunday, 10:20 am: Prayer for the Nations. What if everything on earth happened in agreement with God in prayer? What if prayer is the way to change the world? We believe it is. Come and join us in world changing prayer.
Sunday, 11 am: I will be sharing “It’s Time to Move into Our Inheritance”. Inheritances are the promises we have been given by God. They are eternal, incorruptible, and do not pass away. They remain for us to obtain. When they are not possessed, they often are lying dormant in our hearts. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, then faith is weak and we draw back, But, when we possessed them, they become ours. This is what this service will be about – Taking possession of our promises.